University of Oregon


Blood Runs Thicker than Water

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society holds a special place in my heart.

Their mission being to cure all blood cancers and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, LLS is a leader in conducting research that saves lives every day. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has raised over $1.2 billion in research since its founding in 1949, along with $362 million provided in co-pay financial assistance since 2007. LLS partners with academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology to develop the best new therapies. Since the 1960s, the five-year survival rate has increased by more than four times for blood cancers. In terms of FDA Approved cancer therapies, since 2000, 40 percent of all approved treatments are blood cancer therapies, almost all pioneered by LLS. They also share all of their research with any organization searching for a cancer cure, blood cancer or not.  

Okay okay, enough stats. My point here is that LLS does BIG things for REAL people. They provide financial assistance, educational services, groundbreaking research, and so much more. Their website even provides a community of patients, survivors and caregivers who are able to communicate and share experiences through the platform created by LLS.

When I was sick, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society helped my family.

They sent financial assistance to be used towards treatment or general needs, no questions asked. They provided endless educational and emotional support. I can say without a doubt that LLS is there for cancer patients, and knowing that they’re working tirelessly to find a cure makes me feel incredibly grateful for them.

Knowing that there are humans who dedicate their life to taking care of other humans gives me hope.

Since treatment, I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, simply because I love what they stand for. A ton of the money they raise comes from fundraisers-- they hold a LOT of fundraisers and events that bring communities together, all while raising money for a very important cause. Here are some of their main fundraisers:

Team in Training--

Light the Night Walk--

Man and Woman of the Year--

...and so many more! I’ve personally participated in the Man and Woman of the Year event, an event where a bunch of teams get together and try to raise the most money for LLS. In 2018, my team raised over $155,000 to help blood cancer patients, winning the competition!

Community fundraisers are essential to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and have truly gotten LLS to where it is today. Nonprofits are a key component to our society, helping individuals we may have no connection to. I personally think that’s a really, really special thing.

What’s your favorite non-profit?



Sarah DeBois