University of Oregon





Allen Hall Public Relations

Allen Hall Public Relations

Allen Hall Public Relations is a student run PR firm at the University of Oregon. My client was portfolio reviews, a program put on by the UO for public relations students. Me and my team successfully planned this year’s review sessions, allowing public relations students in the SOJC to get their portfolios reviewed by a panel of PR professionals. By the end of the year, we planned four review sessions, both in Portland in Eugene, with over 100 PR professionals.

 AHPR infographic.

AHPR infographic.

 AHPR infographic.

AHPR infographic.

 AHPR infographic.

AHPR infographic.

 Press Release

Press Release

 Press Release

Press Release

 Press Release

Press Release

 Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement

 Feature Piece

Feature Piece

Weekly Priorities Example-page0002.jpg