University of Oregon


Dream Crazier

Okay okay. Before I start, I just want to say I’m not at all biased towards Nike. I do love what they stand for, but I want to apologize for two Nike posts in the span of basically two weeks.

The reason for this double-Nike post is because of their new advertisement that is meant to air on Feb. 24 during the Oscars commercial break-- and it’s narrated by Serena Williams. The ad is called, “Dream Crazier” and highlights female athletes in a powerful way. Not to mention, this advertisement came out just days after the shoe-splitting incident, an event that should’ve been more of a PR disaster.

Check it out here:

The advertisement focuses on women in sports. Women are constantly berated for showing any sort of emotion, more than often receiving the title of “crazy”. I mean, think. How many times has someone called crazy before as an insult? Emotions mean we’re being dramatic, and equal opportunity to men means we’re irrational.

Nike takes a surprising yet compelling approach on this: embracing crazy.

“So if they want to call you crazy? Fine. Show them what crazy can do. It’s only crazy until you do it. Just do it”.


What a uniquely powerful stance to take on such an important issue. Gender inequality is so prevalent, and has been for years. Now we’re just doing something about it. For Nike to take this issue of gender inequality and connect it with a term that almost every woman can relate to, they really are killing the game and taking care of their people. The people at Nike know what the brand stands for, and they’re not afraid to voice it despite controversy. They’re taking risks to do what they believe is right-- innovative, unafraid, and aware. They are using their power and brand to speak for those who aren’t heard, and to me, that is so so so important in a brand.

This “Dream Crazy” campaign is worth more than just a watch-- it’s something to think about. Nike is doing big things.



Sarah DeBois